Thursday, November 4, 2010

Slowing the momentum for womens rights

Short summary of Chapter 3 in Mightier than the Sword 

Confining the American Woman to Her Place:
  • The beginning of women's right movement started in Seneca Falls by Elizabeth Cady Stanton 
  • As a result of the women's right movement starting the Declaration of Sentimants was signed by both men and women.
  • Newspapers degraded women
Creating a Voice of Their Own:
  • In January 1868 Stanton and Anthony started The Revolution.
  • Two years after The Revolution was started it was ceased publication.
  • Stanton and Anthony founded the National Women Suffrage.
  • July 1869 Lucy stone and Henry Blackwell, her husband formed a less radical American Woman Suffrage Association and Lucy stone also created the Women Journal.
Intensifying the Attack:
  • New York World demeaned Anthony in 1866 and over the years the same thing happened to Anthony from the Utica herald and Richmon herald.

Victory Despite the Fourth Estate:
  •  Two wings of the women's right movement joined and created the National American Woman Suffrage Association in 1890.
  • Harriot Stanton Blatch created The Women's Political Union in 1907. She also organized the first suffrage parade.
  • Alice Paul a young activist formed the National Women's Party in 1913.
  • Carrie Chapman Catt had a political strategy. Her "winning plan" passed as the 19th amendment in 1918
  • In August 1920 women's suffrage became the law of the land.

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